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Are you ready

YUK IKUTAN! Are you ready

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Selasa, 22 Agustus 2023 04:58 WIB | 409 Views 2023-08-22 04:58:45


Are you ready to embark on a transformative technological journey? Look no further than the Schematics Bootcamp and Seminar of Technology (Schematics BST) – a pivotal event series designed to be your gateway to immersive learning and exploration within the realm of technology.

???? Join us for the upcoming "Hacking your Way to Success: Upgrade your future career as an IT Enthusiast" seminar on September 16th, 2023. This virtual event is your chance to dive deep into the world of technology. Engage with IT luminaries:

???? Nurvita Monarizqa
Data Scientist at Microsoft

???? Segara Bhagas Dagsapurwa
Backend Engineer at Atome

???? Adi Sumaryadi
CTO HotelMu, CoFounder Webnikah, Owner @MyPangandaran

???? Gilang Ramadhan
Curriculum Developer at Dicoding

Immerse yourself in their insights, experiences, and expertise, and leverage this opportunity to fortify your understanding of technologys role in shaping the future. This event is open to everyone, from tech enthusiasts to the curious minds eager to expand their horizons.

Moreover, if youre looking to dive into the foundational aspects of technology, consider joining our "Python Programming for Beginners" bootcamp. Whether youre a high school student or a tech enthusiast, this bootcamp is tailor-made to introduce you to the essentials of Python programming in just 4 days. Led by the brilliant Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari, this hands-on learning experience will equip you with the skills to thrive in the digital age.

???? Bootcamp Dates: August 19, 25, 26, and September 1
???? Time: Refer to schedule
???? Registration Fee: 35k

Dont miss the chance to be a part of these transformative learning experiences. Whether youre seeking to advance your career, gain new skills, or simply explore the exciting world of technology, Schematics BST has something exceptional to offer.

For registration and further details, feel free to contact:

Mochammad Naufal Ihza Syahzada
???? 081357525835

Ahmad Fatih Ramadhani
???? 081235045145

Sampai Ketemu! #SchematicsBST #TechnologySeminar #PythonBootcamp #TechEducation